Ah, fuckin shit

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May 13, 2002

Penis explodes during sex

Doctors in Romania are treating a 28-year-old whose penis exploded while he was making love to his girlfriend.

Ilarie Coroiu was taken to hospital in the Transylvanian town of Cluj after his girlfriend, Magdalena, 18, "felt something strange" and noticed that the bed was covered in blood.

Dr Angela Domocos, head of the accident and emergency department at Cluj General Hospital, said: "It is very rare for this to happen. We call it an exploded penis because it happens when the blood cavities in the penis burst.

"I don't know what this couple were playing at, but there must have been tremendous pressure inside the penis to make this happen."

Mr Coroiu is now recovering after an operation to stop the bleeding.
Jun 27, 2002
damn ....you know that bitch was braggin for weeks bout that shit

" girl my shit so good i made that nigga dick blow up.....naw girl...his shit exploded.!...fucked up them new sheets i got and all...aint that a bitch"

that cat busted the nut of a lifetime....i bet you he aint never fuckin that bitch again....