AM I GOING CRAZY!? i have this weird ass idea....i heard these audios from the seances of the most proven medium to ever live. go there and listen to the audios and tell me if you think they are real....i think they are and ive already been very interested in parapsychology...i believe and ghosts and this was a very profound find to me...the voices he heard spoke nothing of a "heaven", they spoke of a different if this is true...there is a different reality than ours around us...there is also an invention called the luminator....go here pictures of people are taken, faces of someone close to them that has died are shown...if this is real...could THIS be the real "guardian angels"? am i really naive and crazy? ive put together in my head that maybe...JUST MAYBE...there are different realities around us, when we die we stick with people and help them...and how can we consistently talk to the departed....could we find a way into the other reality alive?...i may sound like some random guy who stumbled across all this but i have been VERY interested in parapsychology as a career, i believe the brain holds MANY secrets and i think the REAL answers about life, religion, humanity could lie in communication from the other side....i believe so much that you can never be right until you have both sides of the argument....imagine having both sides of reality/life...humanity could go anywhere....any ideas/opinions/shit to talk?