Adolf Schwarzeneggar

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May 13, 2002
haha, anyone watch this nazi and his true lies yesterday? Amazing, truly amazing. He should get an oscar for his brilliant performance. What a perfect speaker for the republicans.

Before Hitler invaded Poland, he annexed Austria and the Sudetenland area of Czechoslovakia, which was a German speaking region rich in resources. This was part of Hitler's "Lebensraum" or living space justification for invading all of Europe. When the Germans started to lose in a big way, the Czechs moved up into Austria to exact their revenge. People would be simply kicked out of their houses and told to leave. Many people began to disappear, but mostly Nazis or their supporters.
Yesterday Ahnald claimed he knew what it was like to live under the boot of communism. How can this be? Russia didn't invade Czechoslovakia until 1968; his father was jailed by the Czechs because his neighbors pointed him out as a Nazi.

May 13, 2002
Psycho Logic said:
it was a great speech. leave it at that.
lol, a great speech full of LIES!

need I go through all democrative speeches and find lies?
You don't if you don't want to know the truth. But when I or anyone else points out a lie or mistake, shut the fuck up if you are not willing to accept what is in fact a lie.
Jul 10, 2002
Arnie's a piece of work, and he has numerous references, comments, and ties to the Nazi or former Nazi party...

what a piece of work
Apr 25, 2002
Psycho Logic said:
honestly, do you contribute ANYTHING to this board, other than your utter stupidity?

Jesus fucking christ....this is coming from you of all people. Look at your original fucking post in this thread you twat.

Psycho Logic said:
oh jesus christ.... give me a fucking break ?
What in the fuck do you contribute other than disagreeing with reason and refusing to believe the truth?

Above all you think the Suns are gonna be good this year. Do yourself a favor and choke on your boyfriends children tonight.
May 2, 2002
jay deuce said:
Jesus fucking christ....this is coming from you of all people. Look at your original fucking post in this thread you twat.

What in the fuck do you contribute other than disagreeing with reason and refusing to believe the truth?

Above all you think the Suns are gonna be good this year. Do yourself a favor and choke on your boyfriends children tonight.
ooh, did I get under your skin, ebay-slanga? you gonna cry?

I didnt mean to hurt your feelings, man. its just a message board. wipe them tears away.

and why wouldnt the suns be good. ANY fucking moron could see they got a better team than any other team in the pacific division. steve nash.. he isnt good? how bout shawn marion? amare stoudemire? what about quinton richardson? they all suck? joe johnson?

ya, what a SUCKY team they got :rolleyes:
Apr 25, 2002
Psycho Logic said:
ooh, did I get under your skin, ebay-slanga? you gonna cry?

I didnt mean to hurt your feelings, man. its just a message board. wipe them tears away.

and why wouldnt the suns be good. ANY fucking moron could see they got a better team than any other team in the pacific division. steve nash.. he isnt good? how bout shawn marion? amare stoudemire? what about quinton richardson? they all suck? joe johnson?

ya, what a SUCKY team they got :rolleyes:

Did I get under YOUR skin, burger flipper?
Dec 25, 2003
Psycho Logic said:
it was a great speech. leave it at that.
It was puerile, simplistic, devoid of any real message or substance, and completely unexplanatory on any sort of initiative or stance Arnold has on any issue.

Then again, that is genius! Appeal to idiots with simple messages! He learned straight from Bush.

BTW Did anyone see the footage of the "Shutupathon" outside Fox News? lmfao
Mar 18, 2003
Instead of detailing the lies, Ahnold smothered them with a cluster of humerous and motivating words. You can ridicule the things he said all you want, but the simplicity is what made it. The only thing he is guilty of is not lying (as much as your typical politician), and instead, saying a bunch of one-liners to get the crowd going. He made his followers feel good about themselves, that is about all.
Dec 25, 2003
Nitro the Guru said:
He made his followers feel good about themselves, that is about all.
And this is exactly what we need. Rousing speeches. We need Middle Eastern democracy. We need appeals to emotion and not intellect. We need airy, off-the-hip babbling lacking any real substance. God save us all.
May 13, 2002
"When I came to this country, I was sitting in front of the television set, and I watched a debate between Humphrey and Nixon, and I didn't even understand half of it because my English wasn't good enough then. I had a friend of [mine] translating.."

"I heard Humphrey saying things that sounded like socialism which is what I had just left[Another lie]. But then I heard Nixon speak. He was talking about free enterprise, getting government off your back, lowering taxes, and strengthening the military. Listening to Nixon speak sounded more like a breath of fresh air.

I said to my friend, "What party is he?" My friend said, "He's a Republican." I said, "Then I am a Republican!" And I've been a Republican ever since! "

Nixon and Humphrey never debated! Nixon refused to debate!

Liar, Liar

Just straight making up shit...but it's ok 'cuz it makes us feel good, right Nitro?
May 13, 2002
What's funny is this isn't the first time Arnold has made remarks about this nonexistant debate.

At a press conference in 1993:

"I realized then that this one guy (Humphrey) is closer to Austria and socialism, while this other guy (Nixon) represents the free market, free enterprise and the freedom of getting the government off your back," Arnold explains.​

Since then he has used this in press interviews as well as at political venues (including the 2000 Republican Convention and his 2003 campaign for the Governorship of California.

"I heard Humphrey saying things that sounded like socialism, which I had just left, and Nixon talking about free enterprise, getting the government off our backs, and lower taxes. ..." (The San Diego Union-Tribune, September 24, 2003)​

While the media tacitly acknowledges that "the debate never took place", the matter is invariably dismissed. According to CNN Host Tucker Carlson in response to Larry King, it was an honest mistake because Arnie did not know English at the time:

LARRY KING: Tucker Carlson, there was one notable error tonight picked up by our vast production crew. Governor Schwarzenegger refers to coming to this country and hearing the debate between Humphrey and Nixon, Humphrey sounded socialistic and Nixon introduced him to capitalism. One little problem: They never debated.

TUCKER CARLSON, CNN HOST: Well, I don't think Schwarzenegger even spoke English at the time. So he could be, you know, forgiven for making that mistake it seems to me. (CNN, Larry King Live, 1 September 2004)​

There were no presidential debates between 1960 and 1976, which debate could he have it confused with?