Here's a trick I like to use. I like my high hats to sound very real (sometimes). Now this can apply to if you're using software or hardware to make your beats, but I'm gonna explain it using an MPC.
So, let's say I have a High hat sound. I spread the same sound over a few different pads. Each pad I'll adjust the attack/decay/filter/etc a tiny bit. And play them until they sound somewhat like a real drummer.
Another way, with the MPC to do this would be to use the same high hat on one pad, and set the slider to adjust the decay. So let's say it's an open high hat sound, it'll sound like it's a closed high hat when the slider is moved one direction and an open high hat when it's moved the other.
Of course adjust effects accordingly as well.
There's plenty of other tricks I use to adjusting drums and other sounds but I'll just leave it at that for now.