I went to another spot that a bigger selection, this place had mostly new stuff or pretty clean used stuff. They had it broke down into revolvers, Glock styled semis and 1911 semis. I was only there for a little bit but they had some good guns there. I'm not sure if the prices were good due to my lack of knowledge of the subject. The dude was trying to sell me a new glock 19 for like 470 bucks, is that a fair price or could I get one for less? He was also pushing assorted revolvers mostly from taurus and a couple of S&Ws in the 500 range. I'm still thinking though I want to save up more money before i use up a bunch of my savings on something that isnt really a 100% needed thing. I pretty much just want to pick up a new hobby, go out shooting and have something to protect the house.