i agree, when i see dude preform he doesn't do shit but this is some crazy shit
lmfao dude flew if he did that shit at a concert i was at i would be pumped, he made the place go wild, old video though but tight, give that dj props lol that was a tight ass mix went from put you on the game then california love and he jumped hahahah
"its another memorial for makaveli and big pac hold up quick stop!!! (california love)"
look closely he has shoes on in the beginning he got his shit jacked when he hit the floor ahahahah
lmfao dude flew if he did that shit at a concert i was at i would be pumped, he made the place go wild, old video though but tight, give that dj props lol that was a tight ass mix went from put you on the game then california love and he jumped hahahah
"its another memorial for makaveli and big pac hold up quick stop!!! (california love)"
look closely he has shoes on in the beginning he got his shit jacked when he hit the floor ahahahah