A "what religion best suits you" test

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Aug 8, 2003

intresting little test i found.. **before they give u the results they ask u too give em ur email addy so paranoid folk beware**

heres my results...
Troll Knockternal, your belief system is best suited to religions that value open mindedness

How do we know? While you were taking this test, we compared your religious beliefs against 10 of the world's most common religions. Your score shows that you share core beliefs with religions that encourage you to find your own spiritual path.

You are attracted to a religion that tolerates mixed beliefs about the existence of God and upholds the idea that there is something to be learned from every religion. You are open to a wide variety of religious and spiritual ideas. You are attracted to spiritual groups that are composed of typically open-minded and intellectual people who actively engage in individual exploration of many different spiritual truths.
which is 100% accurate
Nov 7, 2005
I received the same exact results you posted. I already had an account there for an IQ test some one posted up. I pretty much answered false or no on every question though.
Feb 10, 2006
My results...

your belief system is best suited to religions that value internal spiritual reflection

How do we know? While you were taking this test, we compared your religious beliefs against 10 of the world's most common religions. Your score shows that you share core beliefs with religions that leave it up to you to seek your own spiritual growth, with some guidance.

You are attracted to religions that do not try to explain whether there is an ultimate God, or what proper rituals and sacrifices are required to bring you closer to God. You seek a spiritual connection though reflection and contemplation. You also have a great sense of personal accountability for individual actions and a deep respect for life.
May 13, 2002
Satan, your belief system is best suited to religions that value open mindedness

You are attracted to a religion that tolerates mixed beliefs about the existence of God and upholds the idea that there is something to be learned from every religion. You are open to a wide variety of religious and spiritual ideas. You are attracted to spiritual groups that are composed of typically open-minded and intellectual people who actively engage in individual exploration of many different spiritual truths.
Horrible test. I hate all religions you fucktards. I answered "strongly disagree" or "no" to every single question regarding god, reincarnation, heaven, etc. so how the hell did they conclude I am open "to a wide variety of religoius and spiritual ideas?"
Sep 25, 2005
Mclean, your belief system is best suited to religions that value salvation from sin

How do we know? While you were taking this test, we compared your religious beliefs against 10 of the world's most common religions. Your score shows that you share core beliefs with religions that offer to deliver you from sin or save you from evil.

Some religions assert that all people are born with original sin and must seek salvation. They also maintain that a savior has come to save humankind and that you can find salvation by accepting this as the truth. You are attracted to spiritual groups that believe salvation is possible and encourage you along that path.
Feb 14, 2006
22. I believe that Jesus was:
Our savior and son of God
A prophet
A wise teacher of religious ethics
"... A fictional character.."
Feb 14, 2006
GRIMY, your belief system is best suited to religions that value open mindedness

How do we know? While you were taking this test, we compared your religious beliefs against 10 of the world's most common religions. Your score shows that you share core beliefs with religions that encourage you to find your own spiritual path.

You are attracted to a religion that tolerates mixed beliefs about the existence of God and upholds the idea that there is something to be learned from every religion. You are open to a wide variety of religious and spiritual ideas. You are attracted to spiritual groups that are composed of typically open-minded and intellectual people who actively engage in individual exploration of many different spiritual truths.
Aug 8, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
Horrible test. I hate all religions you fucktards. I answered "strongly disagree" or "no" to every single question regarding god, reincarnation, heaven, etc. so how the hell did they conclude I am open "to a wide variety of religoius and spiritual ideas?"
hm.. i dunno.. maybe the person who made the test thought.. why would an athiest take a religious test?? :confused: