A Dark Secret

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May 13, 2002
N.C. Woman Among 65,000 Sterilized by Gov’t., Often Without Their Kno2wledge, in 20th Century

WINDFALL, N.C., May 15, 2005 — Beneath the surface of this Southern town, with its lush evergreens and winding riverbanks, is a largely forgotten legacy of pain, secrecy and human indignity.

"My heart still bleeds, and it will forever bleed, because of what had happened to me," local resident Elaine Riddick said.

Riddick was one of thousands of people secretly sterilized by the state between 1929 and 1974.

From the early 1900s to the 1970s, some 65,000 men and women were sterilized in this country, many without their knowledge, as part of a government eugenics program to keep so-called undesirables from reproducing.

"The procedures that were done here were done to poor folks," said Steven Selden, professor at the University of Maryland. "They were thought to be poor because they had bad genes or bad inheritance, if you will. And so they would be the focus of the sterilization."

Sterilized Without Her Knowledge

Riddick was raped and became pregnant at the age of 13. Social workers labeled her promiscuous and too feeble-minded to ever be a responsible parent. So, after giving birth in 1968, Riddick was sterilized without being told.

She learned the truth years later, when she married and tried to have more children.

"They took so much away from me," Riddick said. "They took away my spirit and my soul."

North Carolina sterilized close to 8,000 women in hospitals across the state.

Even though the practice ended more than 30 years ago, some say the time has come to make amends. North Carolina was one of the first states out of 33 that once practiced sterilization to offer an apology. State Rep. Larry Womble is crafting a bill to provide financial reparations.

Some wonder where the state will get the money. "They say, 'Well, we can't afford it,' " said Womble, a Democrat. "Well, we cannot not afford it."

Riddick went on to earn a college degree and raise the son she had at 14. He now is an engineering consultant.

"I thank you, God, for giving me my child," she said.

ABC News' Keith Garvin originally reported this story for "World News Tonight" on April 23, 2005.
Apr 1, 2002
I never heard of this. That's absolutely rediculous, I can't believe what I just read; inhumane shit. In a way, this is genocide. Tokztli is right GS, you had nothing to do with that program.
Jun 27, 2003
That's horrible what happened to those women, but wait, I can't say that or else I might be anti-American... In fact, maybe I should be shot for treason
Aug 20, 2004
^^ That's a sad statement, this story shouldn't make you feel ashamed. You weren't part of the program to sterilize these women.

True...but so many other ethnicities have harsh feelings towards caucasian males in the US...for good reason...everytime theres some fucked up gonverment shit...its a white male...and shit like this doesnt help...i dont condone the fact that we get stereotyped....but who doesnt these days?
Jan 9, 2004
Thats the backlash of the ethinic victimization mentality. Instead of being cool with good people from every ethnic background, some fools just get into the "Your ancestor did this to my ancestor and you suck" way of thinking and pass up on the opportunity to bury the past and go on living in a wholesome, positive way. Those are the people that I feel sorry for but can't help being annoyed at. Its like they dont want to progress.
Jan 9, 2004
^^ The comment was directed toward me in direct relation to my comments with GS. You just called him the oppressor. You feeling his boot on your throat or you just talking racist shit?


Apr 25, 2002
I have to run I'll explain it later. The comment was directed towards you and the statement you made:

some fools just get into the "Your ancestor did this to my ancestor and you suck" way of thinking and pass up on the opportunity to bury the past and go on living in a wholesome, positive way.
It has NOTHING to do with Gringo Starr. Are you feeling my boot in your ass or just talking racist shit? If I were talking racist shit (which I'm not) what could you do besides type about it on the siccness? NOTHING..
Jan 9, 2004
^^ I could do as much as you can do, Nothing. Dont backtrack, try to make a linnear argument for once but then again, you cant really defend the substance of your comment which is defenseless.

That is the problem with generalizing on race issues, once you apply them to individuals, they just dont stick.


Apr 25, 2002
^^ I could do as much as you can do, Nothing.
So shut your trap.

Dont backtrack, try to make a linnear argument for once but then again, you cant really defend the substance of your comment which is defenseless.
No one is backtracking. I had to handle some business now I'm able to devote attention to our discussion. You're trying to make it seem as if I'm attacking Gringo which I'm not. You said:

You just called him the oppressor.
I never called him the oppressor and once again he was not a factor in my comments directed towards YOU. Why jump to conclusions and type:

If you are calling GS the oppressor based solely on his ethnic background, then you are a sleazy racist.

^^ The comment was directed toward me in direct relation to my comments with GS
Why can't you people have a civilized convo without resorting to name calling? Why can't you people have a convo without taking offense or jumping to conclusions? Let's see if we can further our convo without making you appear to be an even bigger fool than you already are. I know it's a bit tedious but lets try anyway.

some fools just get into the "Your ancestor did this to my ancestor and you suck" way of thinking and pass up on the opportunity to bury the past and go on living in a wholesome, positive way.
1. In america do white americans have the mentality of "your ancestor did this to my ancestor and you suck" or is this way of thinking usually reserved for those whose ancestors were mistreated by whites?

2. Has white america done anything positive to "bury the past" and ease racial tensions in america? Have white americans passed on the opportunity to "bury the past" by properly addressing the crimes commited against the native and afrikan cultures?

You've already turned the oppressed to the oppressor now all you have to do is admit you're a blind racistand move on. :dead:
May 17, 2002
In one word. . . . Eugenics

In a few more. when the dominant breed faces extinction it does what is necessary to purify the gene pool regardless if that breed is prone to most genetic issues.

Mushrooms fighting the flowers.