It’s coming to the end. The world is in its way to the existence of pure savagery. Instead of moving to living out “A wonder to what is here”, we’d prefer to keep accepting to have every living difference eventually disappear.
Humans are the primitive. Our shared cycle of “life” no longer exist… the new human slogan “to kill to just kill”…
Our lives were not to determine what was right or what was wrong….it is to find the HOW…. to heal and to enjoy our continuation. Be it to never ask, “How do we kill the innocence without regret and a way to its end? How do we kill our history without understanding its confusion and its un-intentions?”
The catalyst of our own demise is the acceptance of evil…….. evil – defined. Understood for a root of distinctions of YOUR own definitions and fears….. yet a need for “a popular approval” ….this proves… TRUTH can ONLY be in one’s own and not another’s. The shedding of the collective truth have become confused and no longer received it to be real.
The “fight” has lost its core and even its eventual end.
The only way out….is to stop… forget everything… even learned… and to be blind again.
WE will end first before the ground we stand on.
“Peace be only with me.” –human
A Dangerous Thought
Humans are the primitive. Our shared cycle of “life” no longer exist… the new human slogan “to kill to just kill”…
Our lives were not to determine what was right or what was wrong….it is to find the HOW…. to heal and to enjoy our continuation. Be it to never ask, “How do we kill the innocence without regret and a way to its end? How do we kill our history without understanding its confusion and its un-intentions?”
The catalyst of our own demise is the acceptance of evil…….. evil – defined. Understood for a root of distinctions of YOUR own definitions and fears….. yet a need for “a popular approval” ….this proves… TRUTH can ONLY be in one’s own and not another’s. The shedding of the collective truth have become confused and no longer received it to be real.
The “fight” has lost its core and even its eventual end.
The only way out….is to stop… forget everything… even learned… and to be blind again.
WE will end first before the ground we stand on.
“Peace be only with me.” –human
A Dangerous Thought