7-foot 14-year-old from India is ready to follow in Yao's footsteps

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May 13, 2002
Would be cool if he turns out to be something...

"Satnam is on track to be a very, very good long-term basketball player,'' said Dan Barto, director of player development at IMG Basketball Academy, who recently returned from India where he conducted several coaching clinics. "His biggest weakness now is our biggest strength here when it comes to developing players -- neuromuscular firing -- overall body control. His potential is pretty amazing.''

That potential starts with his size, which is incredible itself. At age 14, he is expected to grow for another couple of years. For now, he wears a size-22 basketball shoe. His hands swallow the ball. His father, Balbir Singh Bhamara, is 7-2. His grandmother on his father's side is 6-9.

He already has a man's body with broad shoulders and a thick chest. Although his leg strength is not good yet, there is nothing skinny about him. Through the normal maturation process -- if he continues to work -- he should become quite a specimen in the next five years.

Mar 16, 2005
he had a few good years and is/was a pretty big star. made lots of money too of course
i hear you, i just think its a situation where people taking advantage of his size and trying to possibly make something out of nothing.

I mean the article is basically saying he is a big goofy and clumsy kid. maybe he will get it maybe he wont, good luck to the kid, hopefully he's in it for him and not because everyone is pushing him.
Jul 25, 2007
He'll be a secret weapon in the paint. Nobody will be able to guard him because he will smell like curry, must and stank armpits all game long. lol jk. My Punjabi homie be reeking when we hoop and he uses it to his advantage and he knows it. haha