Am I the only one to notice that 5150/Lock N Load has some hot beats? Listen to there tracks on Absolute Power and Trajiks - 1ne of a Kind and you can spot their talent. But the thing I don’t get is....
They have no ability to spot real talent. I personally think all of their artists suck. I’m not sure if any of you have watched Casanovas "interview" on but if not please do.... its good for a long laugh. I didn’t know that Casanova was on tour with tech. But in the interview he just got off tour and they are real tight. I was under the impression he did ONE show not the tour. Is this just me or does he also think he’s Tupac? Anyways I don’t want to ramble on but I do have to say with the exception of 3AM all their artists are garbage and un-original. What are your views?
They have no ability to spot real talent. I personally think all of their artists suck. I’m not sure if any of you have watched Casanovas "interview" on but if not please do.... its good for a long laugh. I didn’t know that Casanova was on tour with tech. But in the interview he just got off tour and they are real tight. I was under the impression he did ONE show not the tour. Is this just me or does he also think he’s Tupac? Anyways I don’t want to ramble on but I do have to say with the exception of 3AM all their artists are garbage and un-original. What are your views?