50+ pts for Labron, Iverson, 785 for Kobe, etc. I’m not impressed.

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May 13, 2002
Anyone ever wonder why there are so many 50+ point games by individuals this year? Maybe it’s because there is no defense, and it's not necessarily the players or teams fault either. The rules in the NBA currently encourage high scoring games by not allowing players to play physical D. High scoring = higher ratings. The average Joe doesn’t want to watch a good defensive battle.

The recent 81 points by Kobe is a bit impressive, but it would have been more impressive if he did it before all these new rules that create shitty defensive teams. Shit, if you so much as break wind next to the ball carrier they call foul nowadays.

Try that shit when Jordan was playing and there was HARD PHYSICAL DEFENSE. Not going to happen. And I'm not "hatin" on Kobe or Labron or any of the high scorers, they're just doing their jobs, but lets be real.

Dont be suprised if a team puts up nearly 200 points in a single game this year.
May 2, 2002
It's kinda hard to pinpoint the reason for the dramatic increase in individual scoring. It's reaching pretty far to say that its the league's new "score more" policy. Because to be honest, I see the refs blowin the whistles more often this season than last.

I like it though. I think basketball has been getting better and better of the past 6-7 years or so. in the mid-90s, it was getting kinda boring. especially after jordan retired. now, there are great, young players making previous icons look like chumps. Basketball is become a very diverse sport. I'm loving all these new, different styles of play. I think the Suns have a lot to do with the league's uptempo pace this season. I think a lot of coaches are trying to mimic what the suns have been doing, shoot first, ask questions later.

I do think there are a lot of players looking to pad their stats though. Kobe being one of them. He's a great player, yes, but he's not a team player. he seems more concerned with blowing up his stat sheet than winning a championship. Same goes to Lebron, AI, Melo, and Stephon. They're not team players.
Jan 1, 2006
2-0-Sixx said:
Maybe it’s because there is no defense,
That is, far and away, the most inane opinion I've ever read about any sport. Ever.

Shots per game is down to 79.8 from fucking 91.7 in the "golden era." Not only that, but field goal percentage has regressed over time, from a high of 49.2% in 1984, to a low of 43.7% in 1999, the strike year. Last season, the NBA Field Goal Percentage was 43.9%. And don't even start with the "players of today can't shoot" horse shit, because free throw percentage hasn't fucking moved in 25 years.

Try watching a basketball game before you make yourself look like a twat again.
Aug 20, 2004
I luv it....high scoring affairs keep my glued to the NBA..thye almost lost me when they brought the zone in to play...

Seattle 152,Pheonix 149...now THAT was a game!!!


Sicc OG
Jun 9, 2005
^ Wow....i'd rather see a game like that than a game with a team barely breaking 80 point.I think all this high scoring is going to make the NBA interesting again.
May 27, 2002
The game Wilt scored 100, the score was 169-147...a much higher score. Defense back in the day was 1-1, now kobe has to break through double and even triple teams...for a few seasons wilt averaged 50 points a game for the whole season...no way is it easier to score or the scores higher now than they used to be.
May 2, 2002
Gringo Starr said:
I luv it....high scoring affairs keep my glued to the NBA..thye almost lost me when they brought the zone in to play...

Seattle 152,Pheonix 149...now THAT was a game!!!
that was a dagger in the heart.. thats what that was
May 13, 2002
LaKeRzz8 said:
The game Wilt scored 100, the score was 169-147...a much higher score. Defense back in the day was 1-1, now kobe has to break through double and even triple teams...for a few seasons wilt averaged 50 points a game for the whole season...no way is it easier to score or the scores higher now than they used to be.
Ok, for one, Wilt is irrelevant. He played against a bunch of 5'9" white guys. I'm talking about the 80's, 90s and probably even just a few years ago.