Little Miss Asia is BBBAAANNNGGIN! Real Dope. Yall need to check this out. Is that her on the pic? Str8 clownin. you's a fool for that one.
the last two aint workin....says song not found!
Little Miss Asia is BBBAAANNNGGIN! Real Dope. Yall need to check this out. Is that her on the pic? Str8 clownin. you's a fool for that one.
the last two aint workin....says song not found!
Good Looking out man... the other 2 songs should be working now... That aint the real Little Miss Asia... But the real one is fine than a muthafucka...
quit bulshittinn and put an album out...Id definatley buy it...are you trying to wait for an investor,trying to get a deal........Ohhh i almost forgot....they aint even gonna know how to act with that San diego star remix...
quit bulshittinn and put an album out...Id definatley buy it...are you trying to wait for an investor,trying to get a deal........Ohhh i almost forgot....they aint even gonna know how to act with that San diego star remix...
Nah... I'm just building the catalog man... 30 to 40 tracks... then I'll hit em with it... and about a Deal? If it comes, it comes... But I'm not gonna depend on that... and When is Hogg putting that song out?