I actually like your reply. There are too many muthaphuckaz in this Game selling dreams and never get see a red penny...the way I see it is, why lie to muthaphuckaz?
I rather give people the truth about the shit than to lie like everybody else does in this Game, so your right in saying, "that piece that is missing is what keeps motherfuckers from seeing the prosperity wich is not present." Your key word is "MOST LIKELY" never will be." that's exacly what the bio means.
The shit is what it is, it's independant. There are only two ways it can go...up or it can go belly up and go south. I'm not the type to be sayin' "yeah, this is going to change the game. This is fire right here yada yada yada..."
If all goes well, good and if all goes to shit...chalk it up as a loss and never cry over spilled milk.