Been Drinkin said:
What do you think is going to come out of bein chipped. Do you think it will be a must or just for those in a high class.
Interesting that this is directed at me...
Well, I'm not convinced at the moment that being "chipped" will become mandatory for everybody. I can see it reaching the point where it is mandatory for all criminals, immigrants and possible terrorists.
I think the wealthy class will have their eyes on new technologies that will be available soon and will not be concerned with "chipping". Genetic engineering will be a multi-billion dollar industry. At first it will start out simple; rich parents will be able to choose the sex of their child, color hair, eyes, height, facial features, bone structure etc. This of course will also have other benefits, such as preventing hereditary diseases, male balding etc. Eventually this will be available for the middle classes and will be a common practice. As the technology advances, it will become absolutely necessary for humans to use genetic engineering. Other countries will be forced to join to compete with near "perfect", healthy humans.
In the long run, perhaps several hundred years from now, it is possible that the human race as we know it today will no longer exist, nor will any other important organisms. "Once you start modifying organisms through genetic engineering there is no reason to stop at any particular point, so that the modifications will probably continue until man and other organisms have been utterly transformed."
I’m going to make a new thread soon called, “The Unabomber Manifesto” that will get into more detail about the different possible scenarios the future has in store for mankind.