Homie your acting childish. Putting beliefs down and knocking everybody else. When your communistic beliefs are surrounded by lies and tyrants eager to sease power by making up lies and trying to supress the people. If you notice Jesus cant be stopped your fighting a losing battle. You think its cool to come on here and act like your a lunatic, when in all actuallity your just a hurt little child crying out for someone to show you attention. Acting like your idols Marx and Engles had good ideas, they were just a bunch of nut jobs trying to be leaders and have their screwed up morals imposed upon a God driven society. Now I dont care if you make fun of Bush everyone does it, but when you attack God your only hurting yourself homie. Wise up and be smart dont be just an annoying person on the siccness like a lot of the people are. Now I know your going to put up some reply dissing me and or Jesus, so iam ready for that. But at least grow up stop acting like a child, be cool.