A quick 206 personality profile:
Anti-freedom: Opposes free speech and freedom of the press if they aren't Marxist or Socialist themed publications. Supports jailing or killing people who are pro-life. Has repeatedly said that Christians should be shot in the head.
Pro-Terrorist: Was happy beyond all belief when 9/11 happened. As a matter of fact according to 206, "Dead Americans is not such a bad thing." Is a proponent of nuclear war and Islamist theocracy governments.
Anti-US: Has repeatedly expressed desire to see major US cities burned to the ground. Opposed to President Bush's same-sex marriage restriction, as he believes in large, well-armed gay communes controlling large portions of the US. Believes any and all sex in any and all places should be legal.
Basically stay away from him and his liberal bullshit posts. Dirty Shoez will tell you if you ask him. Basically everything he (206) says is liberal bullshit, and cant spell, and cant even correct grammar, and cant put together proper arguments or sentences because he is too busy masterbateing to commie progapanda, and knows nothing about anything. he acts like he knows shit but in fact doesnt fuck that faggot i will out debate his ass any day because he barely even GRADUATEd high school I have proof because I have hella hella friends in Settale and they tell me hes a whiteboy red-haired frekkle face wuss who nevers got a date in high school becuase he was to busy preaching his bullshit to people all da long but never even making WON[/]b friend:
ps how do i host a singtaure