how many cd's does he have out??i know of" lost in the game",& the one he did for black & brown featuring mr.kee,yukmouth,c-bo,& tha bout his new album called the hardheads,does anybody know,when that cd droppin??
In the face of Judas was released through Juggernaut Records,his former label....The 10sion & Kee album prolly will never happen....The Hardheads is straight heat ya' this Daly City heat.....10sion has 2 version of In the Face of through Juggernaut, and a rerelease througn BnB....the first album was a solo debut mostly produced by J-Tru and C-Sicc..there were only about 2000 printed.
Damn J-duece, the current bid on my niggas shit is only a penny.....shit the "Roof of the world" track alone is worth $
If ya'll got any question for em up and I'll get answers for ya, thats my folks.
if all goes well look for the hardheadz in stores by next month. also, expect the single within the next two weeks.
he is also currently working on his next solo album. no title or date as of yet, but its going to be a double album - one disc in english and one in spanish.
finally, look for 10 to co-present a compilation early next year. a few of you might already know what i'm talking about.:devious:
also, get at me if youre interested in a copy of "in the face of judas". as musty said, only 2000 were pressed and you can no longer find the album ANYWHERE.