1,000 Iraqis Killed Each Month

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May 13, 2002
By Australian Associated Press
Republished from Daily Telegraph

Despite a decrease in American deaths in Iraq, Iraqis continue to die and suffer under poor economic conditions, a foreign policy expert said today.

DESPITE a decrease in American deaths in Iraq, Iraqis continue to die and suffer under poor economic conditions, a foreign policy expert said today.

Between 500 and 1000 Iraqis would be killed each month in the war-torn country, the Washington-based The Brookings Institution foreign policy expert Michael O’Hanlon said.

“Unfortunately, things have not yet gotten much better for the Iraqi population either in terms of car bombings or general casualties from crime or from the ongoing civil conflict,” Dr O’Hanlon told ABC radio.

Despite a weakening of insurgent forces since the US-led invasion in 2003 and a declining casualty rate for US forces, the situation had not improved for the Iraqi people.

“In the security arena, we’ve seen a great improvement in the rate of casualties taken by American forces – a much lower rate of fatalities and wounded; probably a 50 to 70 per cent reduction relative to the late fall,” he said.

“Unfortunately, those improvements have not yet affected the overall security landscape in Iraq for most Iraqis.”

The economic conditions in the country, although gradually improving, were no better than under the leadership of Saddam Hussein.

“I think that the progress here is probably only about back now to where things were under Saddam Hussein.

“The economy is only a little better than it was under Saddam. It may be no better at all if you look at certain indicators like unemployment.”

Despite this, the insurgency was weakening – but not defeated, he said.

“I would not want to push the argument so far as to say that the insurgency is fundamentally on its heels or to say that it is so much weaker that it’s been unable to continue to inflict random carnage on fellow Iraqi citizens.”

A 34-year-old Australian contractor killed in an attack near Baghdad on Wednesday was the fourth Australian death there since the beginning of hostilities in March, 2003.

Oct 14, 2004
Why dont you get to the real issue, the homeless and poor. Leave Iraq to the iraqs and focus on America. 2-0 When are you going to Iraq to join the Iraqi resitance, You know with you being possessed by the sons of Saddam and all. If Kerry would have won shit wouldnt change. Some of you cats act like America would be better. Maybe the troops would have come home which would have been great, other then that still no jobs and no help for the homless. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. All this anti-american propaganda is a sham. Its just for cats who want to complain all day on their computer. Iam glad to live here, at least you can speak freely and make a change try that shit in some third world pit.
May 13, 2002
Rob S4 said:
2-0 When are you going to Iraq to join the Iraqi resitance,
Why would I go to Iraq? Not my war, not my homeland. I give props to all the brave Iraqi's who are fighting against the Illegal occupation by the number 1 terrorist country of the world.

possessed by the sons of Saddam.
That's an ESHAM quote.

If Kerry would have won shit wouldnt change.
No shit, that's why I NEVER supported Kerry nor did I vote Kerry. I would NEVER vote democrat. Ever.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
And why is that? Can you put 2 and 2 together?

All this anti-american propaganda is a sham.
Yes, it's all a sham. There really is no war in Iraq; the rich are not getting richer and the poor is not getting poorer; Over 3 BILLION people are not getting paid less than $2/day; The environment is fine- no such thing as global warming; 45 million Americans just pretend they don’t have health insurance; 51 million Americans like to say they don’t have a high school diploma but we all know they really have it. It's just a big joke so people can bitch on the internet. All the protests that occur in America are fake. They are just photo-shopped pictures of the same 3 liberal scum.

Its just for cats who want to complain all day on their computer.
ONCE AGAIN you mental-midget, my life does not revolve around the internet. I post on this site when I have free time at work. I've told you time and time again what I do outside of work, don’t remember, look it up.