“School of Assassins”

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May 13, 2002
It's ok if you're a terrorist for the U.S.

"Over its 56 years, the SOA has trained over 60,000 Latin American soldiers in counterinsurgency techniques, sniper training, commando and psychological warfare, military intelligence and interrogation tactics. These graduates have consistently used their skills to wage a war against their own people. Among those targeted by SOA graduates are educators, union organizers, religious workers, student leaders, and others who work for the rights of the poor. Hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans have been tortured, raped, assassinated, “disappeared,” massacred, and forced into refugee by those trained at the School of Assassins."

Notorious Graduates of SOA

These graduates are responsible for some of the worst human rights abuses in Latin America.

"School of the Americas is the biggest base for destabilization in Latin America.”

US Training Manuals Declassified in 1996

Several recently declassified US military training manuals show how US agents taught repressive techniques and promoted the violation of human rights throughout Latin America and around the globe. The manuals provide the paper trail that proves how the US trained Latin American and other militaries to infiltrate and spy upon civilians and groups, including unions, political parties, and student and charitable organizations; to treat legal political opposition like armed insurgencies; and to circumvent laws on due process, arrest, and detention. In these how-to guides, the US advocates tactics such as executing guerrillas, blackmail, false imprisonment, physical abuse, using truth serum to obtain information, and paying bounties for enemy dead. Counterintelligence agents are advised that one of their functions is "recommending targets for neutralization," a euphemism for execution or destruction.


Thumbs up Venezuela
The Venezuelan government has announced that it is going to cease all training of Venezuelan soldiers at the School of the Americas (now known as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation), the controversial US military combat training school for Latin American soldiers, based in Fort Benning, Georgia.

Thumbs up Kucinich
"Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has repeatedly announced that, if elected, one of his first actions as president would be to immediately close down the SOA/WHISC. Kucinich’s official position on the SOA/WHISC:
http://www.house.gov/kucinich/issues/internationalrelations.htm#School <http://www.house.gov/kucinich/issues/internationalrelations.htm>

On January 17, 2001 the School of the Americas was replaced by the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. The new military training school is the continuation of the SOA under a new name. It is a new name, but the same shame.


Graduates from Ft. Benning partook in Latin America's most corrupt regimes, yet Congress still funds the school

Activists Protest Army School in Georgia
May 13, 2002
I wonder how the ultra patriotic can justify this.

Is this not a terrorist training camp? This isn't just some wacky conspiracy, the facts are all in the open.

"19,843 people dead and over one million internally displaced, most of them Mayan civilians. Six out of nine cabinet officials under Ríos Montt were graduates of the SOA." Montt was a graduate himself.

"assisted 10 communities in filing a genocide lawsuit against former dictator and SOA graduate Lucas García...leaving at least 6,469 dead. Four of eight military officials in the cabinet of Lucas García were graduates of the SOA." Garcia was a graduate himself.

The Guatemalan Commission for Historical Clarification (CEH) estimates that over 200,000 mainly indigenous people were killed by State forces in the 36-year internal war, with an estimated 132,000 massacred between 1980-1983 under García and Montt.
May 13, 2002
SOA graduate Byron Lima Estrada convicted in the 1998 Assassination of Bishop Juan Gerardi

SOA Graduates and the assassinations of Mack, DeVine, and Bámaca

SOA grads of Columbia alone

Trujillo chainsaw massacres, 1988-1991: From 1988 - 1991, at least 107 citizens of the village of Trujillo were tortured and murdered. An eye-witness said Major Alirio Antonio Urueña tortured prisoners (including elderly women) with water hoses, stuffed them into coffee sacks, and chopped them to pieces with a chainsaw.

May 13, 2002

From its beginning, the mission of the SOA has been to train soldiers to protect the interests of multinational corporations and maintain the economic status quo for the few rich and powerful in the US and their cohorts in Latin America. Labor leaders and union organizers have always been among the primary targets of SOA violence.

On November 16, 1989, six Jesuit priests, their co-worker and her teenage daughter were massacred in El Salvador. A U.S. Congressional Task Force reported that those responsible were trained at the U.S. army School of the Americas (SOA) at Ft. Benning, Georgia.

In Colombia and the Andean Region, our taxpayer money is paying to escalate a civil war, displace hundreds of thousands of civilians, strengthen a military with a horrible human rights record, damage critical bio-diversity in the Amazon basin, and more! Learn about the connections between the SOA and Colombia.

Sep 6, 2003
El Mozote

"The soldiers from the Atlacatl Battalion came at seven in the morning. They said they had orders to kill everyone. Nobody was to remain alive. They locked the women in the houses and the men in the church. There were 1,100 of us in all. The children were with the women. They kept us locked up all morning. At ten o’clock the soldiers began to kill the men who were in the church. First they machine-gunned them and then they slit their throats.

"By two o’clock the soldiers had finished killing the men and they came for the women. They left the children locked up. They separated me from my eight-month old daughter and my oldest son. They took us away to kill us. As we came to the place where they were going to kill us, I was able to slip away and hide under a small bush, covering myself with the branches. I watched the soldiers line up twenty women and machine-gun them. Then they brought another group. Another rain of bullets. Then another group. And another.

"They killed four of my children: my nine-year-old, my six-year-old, my three-year-old, and my eight-month-old daughter. My husband was killed, too. I spent seven days and nights alone in the hills with nothing to eat or drink. I couldn’t find anyone else; the soldiers had killed everyone. God allowed me to live so that I can testify how the Army killed the men and women and burned their bodies. I didn’t see them kill the children, but I heard the children’s screams." --Testimony of Rufina Amaya, the sole witness to the El Mozote massacre in El Salavdor in which at least nine SOA graduates were implicated

In 1993, the United Nations Truth Commission Report on El Salvador cited the officers responsible for the worst atrocities committed during that country’s brutal civil war. Over two-thirds of those named were trained at the School of the Americas.
Jan 9, 2004
we'd be an empire too if we had had the chance... frankly, I prefer America as the world power rather than some nasty alternatives... Not saying they're perfect, I'm just saying keep this in perspective... We could be under the bootheel of the Nazis, raising rice for the Japanese or Chinese, persecuted under an Iranian empire, be completely impoverished and starving in a USSR empire, or be drinking WARM beer in a British Empire

So for all their mistakes, they're still better than the alternatives, and yes lets try to make the world better(the WORLD, not JUST America), but lets not lose sight of how much better it has already become.
May 13, 2002
PoeticBass said:
I don't see your point.
You said, "we'd be an empire too if we had had the chance... "

I simply pointed out that we are already an empire

I don't see your point. Are you trying to justify this kind of shit? Overthrowing democtracally eleted presidents and installing evil dictators that slaughters hundreds of thousands of people? Is this what amerika is about?
Sep 6, 2003
PoeticBass said:
we'd be an empire too if we had had the chance... frankly, I prefer America as the world power rather than some nasty alternatives... Not saying they're perfect, I'm just saying keep this in perspective... We could be under the bootheel of the Nazis, raising rice for the Japanese or Chinese, persecuted under an Iranian empire, be completely impoverished and starving in a USSR empire, or be drinking WARM beer in a British Empire

So for all their mistakes, they're still better than the alternatives, and yes lets try to make the world better(the WORLD, not JUST America), but lets not lose sight of how much better it has already become.
So your saying because we get the good half of it all, and because our life is so much better due to the corporation exploitation around the world or the overt military actions that the U.S. funds or is part of, we should be happy that china wasn't the super power and america full of sweat shops. I mean imagine the world if all those products said "MADE IN AMERICA". Or imagine if Chile, Gautamala, Argentina, Or any of the other countries, in latin america where America has "Liberated" the people by killing innocent civilians and setting up puppet governments, came here and did that. Boy am i glad to be on the other side of the violence.
Jan 9, 2004
WHY do you think America has such a huge military presence. I really don't like to be an America-supporter, but whenever the UN needs help, wo do they go to? France? Nigeria? Japan? No. Basically two countries take the brunt of it. The USA and the UK. The Aussies, French Foreign Legion, and Canadians also do a heckuva lot for the UN peacekeeping missions, but it is basically the Americans and the British who the UN relies on. Notice though, I am not talking about UN-FUNDED peacekeeping operations. No, when the US contributes, it tends to do so out of its own pockets. Virtually all operations the US is involved in are UN Security Council Approved peacekeeping operations which are US-funded (The blatant exceptions being Iraq, Grenada, and Vietnam).

Oh, and another pleasant fact, most US presence has been asked for or is part of a treaty, with only a slight minority being mandated by a breakdown into chaos in a country.

I really hate arguing FOR the US, but I hate lies and hypocrisy more. C'est la vie.