“I actually think that Bush is the greatest threat to life on this planet

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May 8, 2002

Laura's Weekly E-Blast
November 19, 2003

The Media Misses the Point (Again)

“I actually think that Bush is the greatest threat to life on this planet that we've most probably ever seen. The policies he is initiating will doom us to extinction.”

--Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London

You have probably never heard of him before, but Mayor Livingstone is having quite a jolly good run in the worldwide media. The Independent (of London) newspaper ran a feature story about Livingstone and his comments, which was then linked on websites coast-to-coast here at home. To read the media’s coverage of President Bush’s visit to Britain, one would think that the majority of Britons agree with Mr. Livingstone, that the President was wading into a sea of anti-Americanism.

“London Braces for Bush Visit,” screamed the front-page headline in The Washington Post.

"Londoners Gather to Protest Bush Visit,” breathlessly intoned the Associated Press.

The day before the President arrived in London, cable television showed endless footage of the crack-pot woman who scaled the gates of Buckingham Palace, and for a few moments, hung an American flag upside down.

As usual, the media highlights the sideshow and misses the main attraction.

Just as a few thousand scruffy anti-WTO/NAFTA/war/Bush protesters here at home are guaranteed lavish coverage on the evening newscasts, the small minority of Britons making the anti-Bush stink in London this week are garnering media attention far beyond what they merit. From a new poll conducted by The Guardian/ICM, we learn that those disgruntled folks no more speak for most British citizens than the radical anti-war group International ANSWER speaks for most Americans.

The survey shows that public opinion in Britain is overwhelmingly pro-American. Sixty-two percent of voters believe that the US is "generally speaking a force for good, not evil, in the world.” A plurality of people – 43 percent--say they welcomed George Bush's arrival in Britain, with only 36 percent saying that they wish he did not come. And the news keeps getting worse for the most virulent anti-war faction in Britain. The poll demonstrates a pro-war surge in England. (Yes, you read that right.) The increasingly brutal attacks on Western targets and troops in Iraq—including Italian forces and Iraqi security forces-- is thought to have contributed to a 9 point jump in British support for the war—with 47 percent of the voters now saying it was justified. Meanwhile, opposition to the war has slumped by 12 points since September to only 41% of all voters.

Another interesting point in this survey—a majority of young people in their 20s welcomed the President’s visit. (Bizarrely, the over-65 crowd is the most anti-Bush age group in Britain.) It’s still too early to tell, but this roughly correlates with the results of a study done recently by Harvard’s Institute for Politics, which shows that young Americans aged 18 to 30 as more supportive of President Bush than any other age group.

It should be of no surprise to savvy news consumers here at home that the “mainstream press” (time to stop calling them “mainstream”) usually overlooks these stories completely. It’s not as exciting to report that President Bush, while facing major challenges domestically and internationally, is still quite popular. Oh, and one more thing—such reporting would do absolutely nothing to feed the anti-Bush addiction that many of the media outlets in the US suffer from.

Mayor Livingstone is entitled to his opinion about America and President Bush, but his virulent anti-American rhetoric should not obscure the fact that Britain is our friend. In the 1980s, when a vociferous cadre of European “intellectuals” were branding Ronald Reagan a warmonger, Reagan remained unbowed. He refused to cave in to the peaceniks who urged unilateral disarmament and sure enough, the Soviet Union soon collapsed. George Bush is not Ronald Reagan—there will never be another Reagan. But like Reagan, he is defying his critics, and if history is any guide, the naysayers in the media will once again be proven wrong.
May 13, 2002


Organisers of the demonstration in London against the controversial visit of President George Bush claim that up to 150,000 people joined the protest. The numbers taking part in a march and others waiting in Trafalgar Square for a rally were a record for any weekday protest in the UK, it was claimed. Stop The War Coalition said 130,000 people were passing the House of Commons and Whitehall before ending at Trafalgar Square. Around 15,000 people lined the route of the march, waiting to join in, while thousands more waited in Trafalgar Square. "This phenomenal response shows the depth of feeling of the British public towards this visit," said a spokesman. Scotland Yard's official estimate was 25-30,000. More than 5,000 police officers were on duty in the capital to ensure the march went smoothly.

The growing crowd

A ring of stewards formed around several personalities at the head of the march, including Blur front man Damon Albarn. He said: "My reason is the same as those taken by people collectively and Bush's visit is an opportunity to re-express what they feel." The demonstration will culminate there with a papier-mâché statue of Mr Bush being toppled, in a similar fashion to the way the statue of Saddam Hussein was pulled down in Baghdad after the war. "If there is only one STOP BU$H event that you can make - this is the one," the Stop The War coalition's website says. The protesters will follow Mr Bush and Tony Blair to Sedgefield, the Prime Minister's constituency, on the final day of his visit. Others will stay in London for a Guantanamo Bay protest outside the US Embassy at 11am.
Apr 25, 2002
I swear these protesters do this shit for their own self-gratification.

Who takes you serious or what you're saying serious when you carry around a giant puppet?

The time for protesting and trying to be MLK is over, unless you're gunna pull 500,000 or more people and march across the country Gandhi style please don't waste my time.

About the only thing positive I can see from these people looking stupid is when the right wingers try and talk shit, it makes the right look even worse. Mcleanhatch take note * you make your self look stupid and your buddies that write this crap even worse by talking about it

Stoners with puppets and bongos, old people trying to re-live the past and bring their kids with them, Nordic "blondes" *cough-die job-cough* with a racist agenda, Rich old WASP's ---- You're all stupid. Spend your time doing something constructive like making more hemp necklaces or expanding your sweatshops over seas.


Bush isn't the greatest threat to life on this planet, life will continue on once he's long gone, in spite of everything he and the morons listed above, and others, try to do to stop it.

Hate all you want, i'm done.

*Throws the soapbox at the dumb bitch "Laura"*
May 13, 2002
Well, CB, what do you think is a good way to get your message accross?

Should the people just stay at home and not let their voices be heard? Personally, if these numbers are correct, I think 130,000+ Protesters is a success and definately made their point.
Jul 7, 2002
already dead. said:
Who the fuck could be pro-NAFTA? We lost so many American jobs because of NAFTA...I lost respect for that bitch Mclean.

thats what i'm saying.... another thing about that Agreement was that it wasnt really debated here in the US, nor in Mexico. It was pushed by these corperations, and fucked over the workers on both countries....they were saying a lot of positive things about it, but that that just a lie.


NAFTA is like communism. It was great in theory but in practice it failed.
Mar 18, 2003
I bet everyone of those protesters believes Saddam is a nice warm hearted president who only wants the best for his country. The misinformed-anti-american can be very destructive, expecially when he spreads his lies. Oh no, they're protesting, maybe Bush will step down because 150,000 brit's don't know shit about whats really going on and they're letting it be known.

ColdBlooded said:
You're all stupid. Spend your time doing something constructive like making more hemp necklaces or expanding your sweatshops