Beautiful morning. I don't know why @0R0 mom drinks more when it's cold but it seems like I refill her water dish more frequently during these winter months *shoulder shrug/ puzzled face*
I was in the billin section 4 row 9. On bart now headin to my new figazi ass spot imma get evicted from in a couple. Real saliva the royalty looked good on the field
@Park_Boi whats ur Madden record and who you been rockin with.
Played one game with the Texans and won but I'm tryin to fuck wit the Bears tonight and prolly the Boys too
He absolutely murdered a verse on one of the many remix/versions of Clyde Carson's "Slow Down"
That foot "Problem" outta LA comes clean too. @Nuttkase you listen to that dude?
Madden will have to wait until after thy class tonight. Thanks @Gamestop for taking a players old games and givin an additional 10% off for pre-ordering
@duckU707 gonna be nice on the sticks per the mothafuckin usual
Glad your feelin a little better man.
I checked the De' run and that was the absolute business.
The other video I'm gonna watch when I can rock the sound on the fullest of blasts
@NATIVE AMERICAN when the only mope that understood your post was @Unknown Poet you need to stop gettin wet and leave that shit to the funeral homes and college biology laboratories
How many classes you takin this semester @InfamousICON?
I'm taking a class for the first time in 4 years lol. Night class @ Laney CC in Oakland. I'm thinkin the trim runnin round phoenix is killin these beat boxes I saw yeesterday
@KAH is right tho i need to find better shit to do with my time. Gettin the internet hooked up on friday in time for new madden and got some softball leagues startin up so yee im hopin to limit my internet time