You taking Calculus 2/3 or Differential equations? I had to do a damn near a math minor for Chemistry degree, in a weird way I sort of miss zoning out and doing problems that could take half a page. They'd be so annoying, but so satisfying when you solved the puzzle.
Places i'm considering: Culver City, Venice, Alhambra, South Pasadena West Hollywood, SGV... maybe Burbank. All good place to bring a family. If it was just me I'd move to Inglewood.
If I wasn't moving the fam i'd save some money and move to the hood hood.
I hear ya, if I got the job offer in Texas I would of took it but the hospital I train at is in a hiring freeze cause the 'rona. Either way the spot in Cali is offering me enough to live comfortable, and hopefully over...
Moving back to Cali, East LA cause got job offer. Texas been cool for last 3 years, but I'm ready to get back. Signed contract prior to this pandemic. Hope I don't get screwed.
but yea, what you all been up to?
Only if you want to make it.
I been weekly cost averaging BTC, ETH, XRP, LINK (for the biz memes). I think 5-10 years we are going to look at prices today how look back at them in 2014, and be mad you didn't know about it, or put money in.
@infinity update...
Went to a MMA gym yesterday in Denver... was kicken ass, was submitting blue belts and purple belts. Then some black belt asked me to roll, and he fucked my shit up, treated me like a child, and pretty sure I cracked a rib - I have a stabbing pain in my bottom rib cage.
Yea, that blog has so much hard to find mp3s... my collection is better now then what I lost. Just @ me if you find some more your looking for, I check in every so often. My schedule has been crazy this year.
Here those albums:
@Nuttkase @infinity Finally feeling inspired to finish some full tracks. Took a long break, didn't feel any of the stuff I was making had soul/ personality - but now feeling refreshed. The first one, I sampled a bunch of Bosco
@Nuttkase @infinity Finally feeling inspired to finish some full tracks, mixed and tracked out. The first one, I sampled a bunch of Bosco