Wisdom From Islam
Pride Based on Beauty
There is a difference in pride and gratefulness. One should be grateful, and thankful for the blessings that Allah (God) has betostowed on them. But we shouldn't be arrogant, boastfull and full of pride because these are bad characteristics.
It is said...
This is Sheikh Wahiduddin from God Arises. I will continue with more excerpts.
God through Reason#1
Today, the understanding of reality is through observation and experiment, but since religious beliefs concern the supernatural sphere of existence, they are thus considered unverifiable...
This is an excerpt from God Arises by Sheikh Wahiduddin. This is one of the answers of how the atheistic mind works. Yes, I realize that this might be long but to understand the society in which we live in, it is worth reading. In my view, the author is brilliant.
Prejudice of Atheist