I lightweight fuck with cook, all his collabos with Philthy Rich were pretty tight and I like that song he has with Boosie. Some of his affiliates are kinda tight too like Clearitout
What do you guys think of this developing story? I was not aware of Kap's strong political views until he sat during the national anthem on Friday. Many people have turned on him due to his refusal to stand for a country that in his opinion promotes racial injustice. There are a few that are...
I didnt see a thread on this one, Just want to put it out there that this album is slappin. Some of the best stuff I've heard from Rich in a long time.
Gibbs is arguably my favorite rapper, I have yet to be disappointed by anything I've heard from him so far. I didn't learn about him until BFK but after that I tried to go back and find all of his stuff.
I never heard any of this madlibs stuff, Thanks for the links cant wait to check it all...
maybe if there is a good enough turnout of fans viewing their old stuff maybe wwe with revamp its current watered down crappy programming into a show that I might like to watch again.
WWE is probably realizing they can capitalize off of an internet network with so many people bootlegging their PPV events from live streams. I can see alot of people paying for this service for high quality PPV streams and access to tons of old matches.
Thanks, I found the tape on the net awhile back. The sound quality is beyond shitty though. I was thinking of running the track through some of my recording software to try to remaster that shit lol
If that is the situation than Zimmerman is getting away scott free. The only way for this case to turn into a federal criminal suit is if it can be ruled as a hate crime which I believe would be too hard for the prosecution to prove. I don't think it could even go to trial federally. They would...
Zimmerman doesn't have money like OJ, If hes found guilty in a civil suit he will be liable for monetary punitive damages that he doesn't have and he still won't do time. The worst thing that can happen to Zimmerman is his paychecks are tapped for the rest of his life. He will never go to jail.