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  1. I


    if you are an artist needing artwork(cd covers,banners,poster art, merch shirt designs) of some sort hit me up...serious inquiries only. If you want a quote go to my port and on each page it says exactly what I need to know for your quote and time of completition etc. Most projects take a week...
  2. I

    need an artist?whom is a real head?

    bump nastee-
  3. I

    if poltics is your thing-

    this link has many links to stuff you may or may not want to know about (video footage)-and since myspace is currently blocking my bullitens i am posting it one site at a time.. if this pisses you off sorry but the underground should be aware of the shift that is coming... the door is open the...
  4. I

    need an artist?whom is a real head?

    thank you very much-
  5. I

    need an artist?whom is a real head?