link > Swell L "Staccin Rather Major" Rich The Factor Extremely RARE 1995 OG CD OOP | eBay
I always thought this was a tape-only release. The seller ain't showing this actual disc, so I don't know. Could be one of them remastered CD-R versions.
Can anyone out there confirm?
Anythin by the M.N.L.D. artists is dope as fuck in my book. Too much talent.
Young Doe/Young Dozja
Lil Ike/Interstate Ike
Lil Cacie/Cac (RIP!)
Mr. Mannish/Hawkman
Mr. Analiza/Analiza Slim
Scrilla D
I'm workin on a classic Sactown mix. Help me out right quick. Thanks.
Villin Mob
SMG (Strawberry Manor Gangstas)
C.C.H. (Capitol City Hustlaz)
Young Joker
Young Bo
Marv Mitch & Lemay
Sub Zero
MC2 & JDog
Knyva of Smash Unit. I've been having a hard time tryin to find this CD. It was released locally sometime (I think) within the last 5 years and its already OOP and hard to find. If someone here is willing to sell me a copy, or upload the tracks in mp3 format, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
I searched on the net and found nothing. I'll try put up a scan if needed.
I'm goin off of rapmusicguide's database. I found this CD a couple days ago, but it differs a lot from this one..
Westbound 24-7 - Lickwid Funk: CDs | Rap Music Guide
On my copy.. the color & tint on the front and back...
I'm gonna grab me a copy too real soon. I was also thinking about buying "The Outfit" download, but I'd like to know the quality of the MP3s first. At what bitrate are they encoded in?
I got about half of the discography (all the mnld's and their solos) in mp3. But I would really like to have the physical OG CDs.
I wonder if most of the older albums are rare even in Colorado. I wouldn't be surprised.
Man, I'm trying to have all these. But I know it'll be somewhat difficult since a lot of them are OOP. Does anyone know where these can still be bought?
This a lil late, but I just got word a few days ago that they're officially closing down shop after all these years. A damn shame, really. I've been buying CDs (tapes too) from there since back in the days. As a matter of fact, I bought my first tape and CD there! They always kept the local shit...
My bad if this a dumb question. I just ain't been keepin up with the latest rap news. I was just wonderin...
Boozilla was always one of my favorite producers. I stay knockin his solo albums, as well as the other albums he's worked on back in the day.
Is he still around producing tracks?
Here go a few OOP Kut-N-Kru releases. Let's try N keep this thread goin!
Mike D. Chill - Straight Pimp Shit (Tape Only)('94)
Pure Devocion - When I Roll ('96)
D-Town Humps For The Trunks ('95)...