The interview is after the article. The interview is really good, but too long to post and format the whole thing. I recommend it if you find the article interesting. I did.
Here's a great video about how Agenda 21 is implemented at a local level.
(As delivered to a TEA Party meeting by a Feminist Lesbian Democrat.)
"It's a moral issue." Word up, @SenSanders
If we capped our military spending at the same level as the next 9 highest spending countries, we'd save half a trillion dollars a year. Seems like a no-brainer....guess I'm over estimating the people with...
I like Maddow and intend to read this book soon. I think the author of this article/review brings up some excellent points, regarding important historical/causal information being excluded. Has anyone here read it? You...
Although I support the premise of the article, I would argue that free-market economists have been saying this since the 1950s. Nobody of any consequence has been listening, at least not to the point where anything...
Icelanders have some big blonde harry balls, apparently. I like this. Wonder why the US media isn't covering it. LOL
I can only imagine how this must have been hashed and rehashed on here over the years. Well, here are the facts...
I remember back when I was a kid, I thought Democrats were anti-war. lol