What are people thinking of it??
I just got it...definitely pretty good...could have been produced and mixed better....but C-Bo definitely still has it, no doubt.
Great track....look forward to the album! Not familiar with LIQ....he been around a while or what?? What's his resume...unlike other comments, I like him on this track
Im likin it a lot....Nutty and Fresh did a great job....not at all like other Tonite Shows tho...and in a way that's a good thing. Switch it up and show versatility....
Man......all I did was ask what Bavgate been up to and this dude has to have attitude 'bout who cares...Why gotta have attitude and be rude???? Anyway, someone mentioned he came out with an album at beginning of the year....know the name and does anyone know if it was good? Thanks...appreciate...