Shit yeah just checked that dude is from Portland so you are probably right lol. Well fuck you (not) Travis and shout out to (not) @cheeto.
Drinking this 10% abv then going backwards so the Brother Thelonious next because I let that jabroni ass narc @nolettuce pick which order to drink the rest of my beers.
I emailed them a few days ago to which they responded the same day saying I didn't give sufficient proof to my purchase. I hit them back with that the amount I claimed was under the amount that required any PoP and that seeing the settlement reaches back the better part of a decade I no longer...
Yeah it's a weak argument to make and dude keeps pointing it out. He sounds like someone who is in their second year of college and is getting good grades and thinks they know everything which is quite common actually. I'd be surprised if the guy is older than 22.
Got a pint of Jameson's and a couple tall cans for after work. Wasn't going to drink again until Tuesday for the concert (that certified narc & jabroni @nolettuce is no longer attending cause he's a shook bitch and I hope his boss gets deported on Wednesday) but you know whatever. Thug life.