Did the thing with Tech being the theme song for a TNA PPV ever work out? I think that was supposed to be this or next month, no? What ever happened to that?
I'm not going to go into too much detail on this PPV, which I actually paid for. It was a very solid ppv, and Lethal and AJ stole the fuckin' show for sure. There were at least 4 instances where I saw some great moves I've never even seen before in this one match alone.
But here's my fucking...
Would any of you guys watch vids of me doing game/movie reviews kind of in the style of AVGN (http://www.youtube.com/user/jamesnintendonerd?blend=1&ob=4) or TGWTG (thatguywiththeglasses.com)??
It would be more towards the That Guy side, where there wouldn't be a ton of production, more me just...
The vid is at http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/wwesmackdownvsraw2011/video/6264960/wwe-smackdown-vs-raw-2011-exclusive-daily-demo-with-cory-ledesma
Worth a watch if you're into wrestling games.
Sorry I know this is shitty but I'm not formatting that txt.
I checked imdb to see if Mark Calaway had anything to do with this movie and couldn't find anything. So the Undertake you see isn't Taker, it's Underfaker.
In German, that's under faker.
Funny clip though... Enjoy!
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie"...
...TNA wrestling.
Am I the only one who stopped watching WWE programming?
I just can't give a fuck after Micheals left... There's nothing there for me. TNA is the shizzles when it comes to wrestling. I hate to say it, but I'd rather watch a TNA show over WWE any day.
I know it's long. Don't bother mentioning it. This includes the whole "Cool Story Bro" thing or anything related. If you don't care, I don't particularly care. This thread is clearly labeled off topic and should be viewed as such.
So I've moved into...
I just looked up at my TV and saw a commercial where Micheal Jordan is sitting next to some square on a plane talking about "bacon neck" t-shirts.
The lighting is such in the commercial that the whole time it looks like the natural indent above Jordans top lip is a Hitler mustache.
You can see...
Did you guys see Jay Lethals ridiculously good impression of Ric Flair?
The only vid I can find right now is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHbQe7QJjNQ but doesn't allow for embedding. It's worth clicking the link to check it out, trust me.
I was on the fence with this guy but he killed it...
So Cornette sent a letter to Terry Taylor at TNA actually talking about killing Vince Russo;
Sorry about the formatting...
Cornette has a podcast explaining his side of the story and the lawsuit at http://whosslammingwho.podomatic.com/.
It seems to me that this guy Cornette is a fuckin'...
From http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/03/11/missouri.school.closings/
Sorry about formatting...
I don't know about putting a 3rd grader in the same hallways as a HS senior, but If the schools are so empty, then it's a good idea both for education and taxes, to reduce the schools by 40-50% IMO.
TNA Impact... review? I dunno man.
Allright so here we go... TNA on Monday night.
Hulk comes out with Abyss so I guess we're doing the main event first... LoL. Who the fuck is writing this? The announcer that isn't Tazz does a pretty good job of justifying why Hogan is even "wrestling"...
I know these fucking things must exist, especially in NY with it being so populated... so how the fuck do you go about finding a donkey show? I've tried google, I've tried Craigslist.. I've tried "donkey show", "Interspecies erotica" etc.
Anyone have any ideas? I was hoping to have found the...
I was searching through local shit on craigslist looking for a tranny hooker when I stumbled upon this listing...
I sent them an electronic mail inquiring about their Elmers glue...
I DO look forward to their reply...
Fuck with some...
I'm listening to this nonsense, and from the start you can tell that Hogan is drunk or yakked up or a combination of both. Anyway, I thought someone might want to hear this shit.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie"...