although I've learned about a lot of great new artists from @Nuttkase and @0R0, I tend to check out mentally when the 2 of you start talking about music
@infinity that complain letter generator you used on armen is hella funny
I think I'm gonna make a fake email address and send an email with that letter to hella people I know
yeah, a lot of Raiders fans seem to hate the Cowboys. I don't root for them, but I don't root against them. then you have @KAH707KALI who hates the Raiders more than any other team for some odd reason
2 hours before kickoff? that's bullshit
we usually starting walking in 30 minutes before. that's gonna really cut into my drinking time. now I gotta start taking shots at 8:30 am
@InfamousICON are you originally from the Bay? Is that how you became a Raiders fan? or no?
but yeah, the Coliseum is a shitty ass stadium, but it's awesome being there. the parking lot alone is fucking dope