I've never heard of A-wax before I started posting on the siccness again.... He's beyond irrelevant. In all honesty I don't really hate Tay, I just think it's lame how he takes this forum so seriously. Funny how artists like Da Undadoog can be humble and take constructive criticism and become...
LOL!, Implying ipconfig on a Windoze box has anything to do with siccness.net VBulletin Box... plus the picture is hosted on Harvard.edu Sorry but you take the L on this one. The even funnier part is TAy's so called "Son" agreed to using the same computer/phone... pretty stupid... It's...
HAHA! Two undereducated bums fighting over clothes in a suburban alleyway. Both of you look like you're homeless. Tay looks reasonably scared, 5 minutes of shit talking and nothing happens, then it gets posted online. Definition of poverty and lack of education. Please kill yourself.
I have never seen this before... maybe y'all haven't either.. enjoy.. :siccness:
pretty good song funny video too... if the embedded video didnt work her eis the link COPPER LOC FEAT MAC DRE 2011 - YouTube