not sure about this, trailer looks cool and all, but they already fucked up gordons backstory to me, because of year one and im sure they're gonna fuck up jokers backstory harder than anything
they should've adapt year one without batman. just gordon vs mobsters and corruption
yeah its from the new album, just gave a listen. i, satan is only "metal" song. rest of the songs are more acoustic. dark folk songs about apocalypse. great album, probably their best one
this is weird
No my laptop died few weeks back and I got all kinda shit goin on right now in my life. Whole year been depressing as hell, but I got a feeling everything sillä be better soon
i think they're mostly joking about the money
not the first in the history of music business that album gets pushed back because cds aren't printed in time
in 2 or 3 weeks we get album
probably a digital only at first, they just gonna drop it to itunes and physical copies will come out later. mad decent is label that is specialized releasing club music singles more than full length albums and i don't know about their history how they work really