Donald J. Trump
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Never said when an attack on Syria would take place. Could be very soon or not so soon at all! In any event, the United States, under my Administration, has done a great job of ridding the region of...
Of course and it's pretty sad people feel that hopeless.
Flint still doesn't have clean water and the government wants people to pay for dirty water.
Flint residents struggle for affordable, clean water, while Nestle pumps gallons of it nearby
“I believe that there will ultimately be a clash...
Civil war? I think that's a bit extreme, mate.
I agree with you on the family structure, the welfare state and family/criminal courts have also played a major part in weakening it.
There is no doubt the white man benefited off the backs of slaves, giving them a head start. Problem is now using gender or race quotas won't solve the issue.
If any of you like to read, Tom Sowell is pretty based.