Fillyacup's dominant personality trait is his giving nature and positive outlooks on life. This is in contrast to the rest of the Siccness Network characters. Generally, Fillyacup has a very unperturbed and easygoing demeanor, often accompanied by his characteristic wry and sarcastic...
A drunken leprechaun that appears randomly in various episodes. Nuttkase often exhibits sociopathic behavior, is a pathological liar and rarely shows any empathy (his most frequent catchphrase to any bothersome person is: "Bite my tiny leprechaun ass!"). Nuttkase exhibits excessive...
Mac Jesus
Mac Jesus is Freedom Town's ONLY Canadian crusader. He has a troll-like appearance, a Jimmy Stewart-like voice, and is a known ladies man. His daytime job is running a comic book shop. He has shown great skills handling troubled youth, a great skateboarder, and is a martial arts...
Took me 5 years to remember my password to this site and in the meantime I've been browsing ever since. I think some of the old timers like heresy, 20sixx, cold blooded shiller, shea the savage, nostril king, Lee zilla etc. Are all having the same issue. Also I have it on good authority that...