Last time I tried to start a new series was 3 years ago, it was Game of Thrones, made it half way through the 3rd season and tapped out and never watched it again and haven't started another series since. Can't binge watch shows anymore, my brain can't sit and watch TV for hours at a time and I know that I'll more than likely never finish a series so I figure "why bother". Always having the ending of series spoiled and the end always being disappointing helps me not want to bother also. Now after I reading what happened in Game of Thrones I definitely won't waste my time with that bullshit.
Now days if I want to watch something it's usually only when I'm eating, so I'll just watch a random episode of a 22 minute comedy that I've already seen like Rick and Morty, South Park, or Portlandia or something. Don't nobody got time for anything past 22 minutes.