Bruh...everything about believing in a flat earth is very much tied to your belief in a god. Look at this thread...its littered with bible references and even the vids you post talk about it. ITS ALL BASED ON GOD. All of it. The idea that the ONLY PLANET IN THE UNIVERSE IS NOT A SPHERE IS EARTH, WHERE YOU just happen to LIVE. Thats an ideology that Galileo shitted on hella long ago cuzzo. Why do you think the Catholic church wanted him dead???
Think about it for a minute. Youre basically saying that the earth is a domed disc, that ACSENDS UPWARDS, in space (which, by the way, doesnt have any principal of up, down, or any direction)...and that EVERYTHING IN SPACE revolves around that. That means the moon, a PROVEN SPHERE might i add, somehow circles INSIDE A DOME. Which, you are assuming was built by....GOD. No human made it...and it cant be aliens, because well....god. And this isnt even taking into account the trillions upon trillions of stars, that im assuming you believe are either a) the size of fuckin marbles, or b) is some illusion created by NASA (btw, stars have been observed for literally 10 of thousands of years by humans and humanoids).
Either you are really naive, very stupid, or have a mental illness.
Anyways, im done with this retardness. Believe what ever the fuck you want. It doesnt make a goddamn difference to me or my life but just know that in 10 years from now youre going to look back and realize how fuckin dumb you were to believe in this fuckery. It will happen, mark my words....and bookmark this thread.