Trump's immigration ban sends shockwaves

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Aug 15, 2003
Isn't The Statue Of Liberty Law Stating We Allow Any Refugee In On That We Can Let In On Our Status Of Our Nation, Who Defines The Status Of Every Individual That Is A Refugee, Bias.

But I'm Am Against Islam That Teaches To Convert And Genocides Christians Off Of Theirs Nations Sides So Much They Use The Cross.

Our Nation Is The Most Populated Christian Nation On Earth
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Aug 15, 2003
MESSIAH is the only real response, He's The Leader Everyone Has Been After. YESHUA OF NAZARETH The True Response, If Politics We're Done He Would Solve All THE ANSWERS. Everyone Is Looking For That One Blanket To Curl Up With But It Has Been A Quilt, Because We Travel Further Away From All The Warmth.

Hebrew Side To Freedom Side.
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Aug 15, 2003
When We Start To Tell People To Pick Political Sides, I Tell Em To Pick Jesus. But It So Everyone Has Well Enough To Know Jesus, As Stated I'm His "Ambassador" In The Bible, And Will Stark Any Conversation Throughout History With His Name Stating His Father.

I Thought This Was To Open, So I Say The Father's Will To Express Jesus.
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May 13, 2002
When We Start To Tell People To Pick Political Sides, I Tell Em To Pick Jesus. But It So Everyone Has Well Enough To Know Jesus, As Stated I'm His "Ambassador" In The Bible, And Will Stark Any Conversation Throughout History With His Name Stating His Father.
Come back sober man
May 7, 2013
People should not be surprised by this. I am conflicted. I am concerned for my muslim colleagues and friends. While it sounds good on the surface- the way they trying to sell it to the public, that "these people" want to kill us yada yada, the truth is the government has never been concerned for my personal safety. This is purely about money. This is about punishing Arabic countries that refuse to allow our Western corporations into their countries to take their citizen's money and push consumerism, while we spy and push our westernized falsehoods to disrupt their morals and beliefs- and financially cripple their governments (as best we can). New Whirl Odor. Every US President, right or left, has the same end game agenda, different administrations disguise it differently. The US left and right will always be the wings of the same bird, until "the people" disrupt that spectrum- and that will never happen with anyone who runs for anything within their system.

Our best hope was the likes of MLK, and Fred Hampton, and we know what they did to them.

At the end of the day, the world is going to keep spinning and time will continue to go on. The chessboard is large and we are too foolish to play together.
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Mar 21, 2009
For starters he openly states he looks up to Oswald Spengler Julius Evol. Spengler and Evola are euphemisms for German and Italian fascism. Spengler was a major influence on Nazi philosophy, (Blut und Boden (Blood and Soil) was an integral component). Evola’s 1941 racist diatribe, “Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race,” so impressed Mussolini that he invited Evola to an in-person meeting. Afterwards, Mussolini helped Evola publish a journal, Sangue e Spirito (Blood and Spirit).

Another one of Bannons idols? Nazi propagandist Julius Streicher.

Breitbart News is a hate rag that promotes nationalism. Headlines scream “Muslim rape culture” and “mass Muslim immigration. “By bringing in these migrants, we are creating an American refugee crisis,” one article declares. A “swarm” of American Muslims was alleged to have been celebrating the September 11 attacks. Bill Kristol is accused of being a “renegade Jew.” Other headlines reference “trannies” and a “trans hate machine.” Another headline reads: “Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy.”

Headlines, who cares, you're probably thinking. Remember Nazi propagandist Julius Streicher?

Streicher, the publisher of Der Stürmer, was found guilty at the Nuremberg Trials of complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity for “his 25 years of speaking, writing and preaching hatred of the Jews.” The judgment continued, “In his speeches and articles, week after week, month after month, he infected the German mind with the virus of anti-Semitism, and incited the German people to active persecution.”​

Bannon is quite literally following the same methods as one of his idols. This IS fascism.

White Nationalists, Neo Nazis and the "Alt-Right" absolutely love Breitbart News and Steve Bannon, I wonder why?! Even David Duke organismed in pure joy when Trump appointed Bannon:

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke celebrated Bannon’s appointment as Trump’s chief strategist in an interview with radio host Don Advo, a neo-Nazi sympathizer. Reacting to the news of Bannon’s appointment, Advo commented, “We appear to have taken over.” Duke agreed.​

I assume you have a general understanding of history right? What was going on in Germany in the 30s? What was the rhetoric? Jew this and Jew that. Blame the Jew, blame the immigration. Replace Jew with Muslim and it's identical. And while the educated Germans were "fact checking" everything the Nazis were saying and writing articles about how the Nazis were wrong in their claims, the Nazis were out doing shit and making shit happen and the rest is history.

Is it OK to promote that kind of same rhetoric? Apparently you think so because "Islam is a problem" which is your words. Nevermind what got us to this point (Bush's war crimes in Iraq, etc.) the problem is people like you who think this is ok. No it's not ok. Fascism is never ok. Nor is it ok to protect fascists and their "right" to hate. No. Punch a nazi in the face, punch him in the throat, stop allowing liberals to stand up and defend fascists JUST like they did in Germany. Now again, if this is your ideology, which I suspect it may be, then fuck you, my words won't mean shit to you any way. But if it's not, then educate yourself, please.
damn sure asked the right guy. great post man. i read everything, including breitbart. david duke will endorse any white republican, he is nothing. i will look into bannon and this misinformation boner you think he has. i really don't think it's the propaganda you make it out to be. but seriously please don't think i'm some kind of asshole white nationalist. i do recognize the headlines but i also recognize people killing in the name of islam all the fucking time. it gets old. i know christians do it too, but it's not celebrated by their church when they do. i just think it's a shit ideology and doesn't mesh well with western culture.
Jan 29, 2005
Iran's Asghar Farhadi who is nominated for an Oscar won't be able to attend the ceremony due to the visa ban.

Iraq's Hussein Hassan Ali who was scheduled to premier his new film at the Miami film festival won't be able to attend.

Good thing we're stopping them crazy film makers, thanks Emperor Trump.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
steve bannon is fascist? the fuck are you talking about. i know you know your shit i read your posts but cmon man.

is breitbart evil for spinning stories to the right?

everything on television is spun towards the left except fox news who are heavily regulated.

that is facism man cmon
Don't bother. That guy is literally a cultural marxist, he literally writes for a socialist newspaper and probably indoctrinates students, and has been hoping for the destruction of the united states since the inception of this board. There is no reasonable discussion to be had
Aug 15, 2003
islamophobic? aren't they set to conquest the globe and Jihad?

I Don't Want Their Religion And I Suppose Those Who Don't Should Be Ready To Fight When The World Looks Near End Like It Suppose To Right Today.
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Aug 15, 2003
You mean the exact same thing these self professed "christian free world leaders" have been attempting for thousands of years?

What part of Jesus' teachings is that?

Happy Sun Day class is in session

My Master Say's This
Matthew 7:15-20 ESV

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. ...