If you were sober though you would've already had the relevant information that you needed before hand, and would have handed in a complete well researched heavily edited and multiple drafted essay that was nearly perfect in every way; an essay that went in a whole new direction from your original plans because you stumbled across so much deep information on the topic that it completely changed your thoughts on your original outline and you decided to change your original thesis statement into something deeper and more interesting, and you ended up challenging yourself and learning from the experience, and will be able to give well thought out meaningful information on the topic any time its brought up in an academic setting or even in casual conversation from now til the end of your life.
But no you're a degenerate drug using piece of shit, and you got yourself your little extension but you're still going to procrastinate and then the night before its due you'll stay up all night working on it then you'll turn in some shitty essay that you barely worked on maybe only spell checked once but never really got a second opinion on or really truly went through and edited it, and the instructor will look at it and immediately know you're just another piece of shit average student and your essay is complete trash and he's wasted his entire life trying to teach his passion which is lost on all your drug user 90 babies and millennials who have attention spans less than a gold fish at this point but oh don't worry you'll get a passing grade on it; thankfully your peers are equally worthless and the bar is so low that you'll get that passing grade because he has to give you and your peers a passing grade to keep his job, there'd probably be a 95% fail rate if you were graded at true academic standards. Then you'll move on with your lousy life, having learned nothing, and you'll get your little piece of paper at the end of all of it having learned nothing and wasted all that money on tuition and books and i'll be standing there, waiting for you jake, and i fucking swear to god ill slap that diploma out of your hand then backhand half your fucking face off