I was walking down towards a creek I had to cross today and lost my footing, twisted my leg, fell into the creek and smashed my head on a rock. True story. The rock was covered in vegetation which lessened the blow. All I had was a headache. My knee hurt for a bit tho. I went the rest of the day at my normal pace and as the day went on my knee felt better. But then after driving for an hour I started walking with a limp. Im sure it will be better tomorrow.
I was walking down towards a creek I had to cross today and lost my footing, twisted my leg, fell into the creek and smashed my head on a rock. True story. The rock was covered in vegetation which lessened the blow. All I had was a headache. My knee hurt for a bit tho. I went the rest of the day at my normal pace and as the day went on my knee felt better. But then after driving for an hour I started walking with a limp. Im sure it will be better tomorrow.
I been to Canada (S/O
@Mac Jesus), the Philippines, Japan, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Austria, Italy, France (S/O
@gimmefreemusic), Liechtenstein, Switzerland, China, and Singapore.
I been to Canada (S/O
@Mac Jesus), the Philippines, Japan, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Austria, Italy, France (S/O
@gimmefreemusic), Liechtenstein, Switzerland, China, and Singapore.