got a little time to spare, fuck it, but YEH, i only come on forums too get links to music i can't find anywhere else, i'm a proud music junkie, maybe put peeps up on game on music, return the favor, politrics, cultivate whistleblowers, all it takes is one, nuthin more, nuthin less, when i have spare time, free time from my get money movement
outside of that now, i can't even front, from a neutral observer standpoint, basically at the end of the day now & its not that important, i've got a real life outside of these forums, it ain't that serious, but from checking these forums since the late y2k's, these forums used too be lively & poppin, in terms of entertainment & putting peeps up on game, see whats goin on in the world, you see what i'm saying
but nerds seem too have taken over this shit, who have no life outside of these forums & take it as sumthin too live out there nerd fantasies, the way man dem look for stripes on road, up & coming tugs, is the way these nerds look at forums witout the obvious consequences, they see artists for example, then lose there nerd minds, "finally i get too say shit to a artist i would never say anything too naturally, too there face witout getting banged the fuck out", because they remind them of the bullys that they used to get bullied by in high school or whatever or sumthin & so on & so on, i've seen squares on here give props too pigs over police brutality & call road man criminals, internet weirdos, they have ran all the normal 9 to 5 & college peeps off here along wit the artist, not that i'm on some cock sucking, sucka shit, just an independent, neutral observation
but back to reality, this is really & truly now, who these internet forums are for & real niggas ain't supposed too be on here, you get me, other than promoting music, tailor making there product to suit the customers, you see what i'm saying, other than that now, real niggas ain't supposed too be on here, i'm here just for new & older music & vice versa, return the favor, put peeps up on game, but i don't know no one from the real world, chicks included, who checks for internet forums, since i've been checking this shit since the mid y2k's in general
the ratio of normal peeps at college or at work wasting time at there location & the only time there on here, compared too the nerds, weirdo's, battyboys, stans was much higher on siccness than any other forum i've been on other than one maybe, which is how its supposed too be at the end of the day now, anyways, siccness was a anomaly, basically internet forums are for nerds too live out there fantasies on the safety of the internet forums, so its neither here or there
anyways, i've added my two cents, made the time go quicker, fuck it, & i know the nerd/hater brigade are going too have a field day & go in on man, but fuck it, its all good, do what you do, give man some entertainment, make the time go quicker, i've done my little speech anyways, let me get off my soapbox, back too regular proceedings, London, its serious, its serious, CEO status, world boss, get money movements, i'm gone people, ha ha