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May 7, 2002
I just cannot grasp the concept of involuntarily suppressing something regardless of the level of trauma caused by the incident. I don't think it can happen without the person being aware of it.
It happens.

DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders

Dissociative Amnesia
Dissociative Fugue
Depersonaliziation Disorder
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID; MPD)
Dissociative Disorder NOS

Dissociative Amnesia

Inability to recall important personal information (of a traumatic nature)
No medical basis
Not faking

Dissociative Fugue

French term for "flight"
Sudden, unexpected travel away from home or work
Inability to recall one’s past, confusion over one’s personal identity, or assumption of a new identity
Not faking

Depersonalization Disorder

Persistent or recurrent feeling of being detached from one’s mental processes or body
Not faking

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

Formerly Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)
The most severe dissociative disorder
Two or more distinct identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person’s behavior
Inability to recall important personal information
Not faking

Dissociative Disorder NOS

Clinically significant dissociative symptoms that do not meet criteria for any specific dissociative disorder

DSM Definition: A disruption of the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity, or perception of the environment.

Pierre Janet (1889) "When a person experiences emotions which overwhelm his [or her] capacity to take appropriate action, the memory of the traumatic experience can not be properly digested; it is split off from conscious awareness and dissociated…"


"[These memories later return as] …fragmentary reliving of the trauma, as emotional conditions, somatic states, visual images, or behavioral reenactments."
May 6, 2002
Memento is a great film regardless of this discussion, just an FYI.

Also, we can not use the terminology "they", as that almost immediately identifies one's self being able to bury something in the subconscious, when it is the mind that decides such things.

As for which cases get "solved or buried", that is completely up to the mind to decide. Everyone is different. Everyone deals with things differently. A person who is used to traumatic situations may have no problem resolving it on the spot. Others may not have the ability.

I got into psychology for one reason: to understand the mind. I have learned that at the moment, that is not going to happen. This is the reason i STAY in the field of psychology, because it is still so misunderstood. It is the most dangerous and mysterious thing known to exist in the entire universe.

Ya I am pretty sure I have the movie somewhere, just haven't watched it. I'll check it out though. Going off of 5ive1en's post of definitions (which shed some light) I see what you are talking about now. It's just hard to believe that some people actually do that. I'm not contesting it at all. I've been through all kinds of non sense, friends coming back from the war, people bieng in explosions, know plenty of rape victims...and everyone I know (including me) remembers everything that was traumatic in their lives. I guess there are some people who just shut it off and bury it, and literally cannot remember for the life of them. That's pretty amazing. Like you said, some people's brains just can't handle it and just straight burries it without them having to make that decision of whether to deal with it or not. Seems a little strange. Maybe it will happen to me someday, who knows.

Then in that aspect, involuntary suppression has its pros and cons. I can't say its all positive or all negative. I can see the brights of both sides to it.
May 7, 2002
Ya I am pretty sure I have the movie somewhere, just haven't watched it. I'll check it out though. Going off of 5ive1en's post of definitions (which shed some light) I see what you are talking about now. It's just hard to believe that some people actually do that. I'm not contesting it at all. I've been through all kinds of non sense, friends coming back from the war, people bieng in explosions, know plenty of rape victims...and everyone I know (including me) remembers everything that was traumatic in their lives. I guess there are some people who just shut it off and bury it, and literally cannot remember for the life of them. That's pretty amazing. Like you said, some people's brains just can't handle it and just straight burries it without them having to make that decision of whether to deal with it or not. Seems a little strange. Maybe it will happen to me someday, who knows.

Then in that aspect, involuntary suppression has its pros and cons. I can't say its all positive or all negative. I can see the brights of both sides to it.

It's truly amazing what the mind is capable of. Have you ever heard of Somatoform disorders, or more specifically, Conversion Disorder?

Conversion disorder is a neurological disorder in which physical symptoms are unconsciously caused by a stressful or traumatic event. An example of this is a person who loses his voice following a situation in which he was afraid to speak. Conversion disorder is one of a group of psychological disorders called somatoform disorders .

Somatoform disorders are psychological disorders which are characterized by physical symptoms that have no apparent physical cause. While potentially difficult to diagnose, conversion disorder is readily treatable. Contact your doctor if you think you may have this disorder.

The direct cause of conversion disorder is usually experiencing a very stressful or traumatic event. The disorder can be considered the way someone copes, or as a psychological expression of the event. Depression and other psychological disorders are commonly seen in patients with conversion disorder.

It is important to understand that the symptoms of conversion disorder are involuntary, that is, the person does not consciously act out, or pretend that they have the symptoms. A hallmark of these symptoms is their lack of connection to any known organic medical diagnoses. Some of the most common symptoms include:

Impaired coordination and balance
Paralysis of an arm or leg
Loss of sensation in a part of the body
Loss of a sense, such as blindness or deafness
Difficulty swallowing or a sensation of a lump in the throat
Sensory symptoms, such as;
Loss of sense of pain
Tingling or crawling sensations
Jul 2, 2015
Sorry you guys had to deal with this asshole. He's over at dubcc now posting stolen tupac pictures, talking a gang of shit and Nikcc alerted us he was also over here. He used to run a website known Chuckspot. I first encountered in on Westcoastrydaz and DPG forum.

Unfortunately, I have some bad news, it is not him and someone is actually impersonating him as ridiculous as it sounds. The former supervisor at Westcoastrydaz, Nando informed us that Saddam (Charles Amarillo) has actually been dead for some years. Died of a heroin overdose. Whoever this asshole is he too needs to be exposed for real. Feel free to pop over to dubcc forum because we're dealing with his stupidity now. We could use anyone's help with this. We suspect we know who the poser is on both forums (Mac or Nofx? Both fucking lamos.)


Sicc OG
Jan 31, 2011
Sorry you guys had to deal with this asshole. He's over at dubcc now posting stolen tupac pictures, talking a gang of shit and Nikcc alerted us he was also over here. He used to run a website known Chuckspot. I first encountered in on Westcoastrydaz and DPG forum.

Unfortunately, I have some bad news, it is not him and someone is actually impersonating him as ridiculous as it sounds. The former supervisor at Westcoastrydaz, Nando informed us that Saddam (Charles Amarillo) has actually been dead for some years. Died of a heroin overdose. Whoever this asshole is he too needs to be exposed for real. Feel free to pop over to dubcc forum because we're dealing with his stupidity now. We could use anyone's help with this. We suspect we know who the poser is on both forums (Mac or Nofx? Both fucking lamos.)

ok thnx inciscions
Jul 2, 2015
Lol what? Of all the people to impersonate you're telling us he chose that guy? Nah, that's to retarded for real life.
Sounds pretty crazy but this guy has a ton of beefs over the years. Pretty sad I must admit, especially if its true that he died. He is now posting on dubcc as saddam1234.

I didn't come here to start trouble. We're dealing with the same clown.

Edit: he is also on Boxden, he is linking his threads there.
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