There were some around 3rd & Pine in downtown Seattle for awhile, don't know if they are still there. 99% of people just ignored them, just like the crazy dude with huge 12 commandments signs & everyone is going to burn in hell that was another block down as well, which honestly seemed to upset them more than anything else. One day though some hilarious shit happened. My bus stop at the time was across the street from where they stood and I get off and there seems to be a pretty commotion going on around where they usually are. As I get closer there is the same 5 dudes there usually are... with about a dozen other guys in luchador masks standing next to them a few feet away just yelling gibberish louder than they can yell whatever the fuck it is they think they are preaching. I watched for a few minutes just like "what in the fuck lol" before continuing to work.
Cool story bro..