I have to go on trips here in China and visit factories. I trained myself that I don't have to take a shit. Some of those factories have toilets you can't imagine. I could never take a shit there. It's either my home, or in a nice hotel. If not, then I won't take a shit. Mind control!
Also, the coastal cities in China are more developed than the inner country cities. I drove with my car from Xiamen to my wife's hometown in Hunan. Every time we stopped for a bathroom break, the restrooms would get shittier and shittier. Once we crossed the Hunan province borders, we stopped, and I took my son to take a piss. I had dudes squatting, taking a shit, smoking a cigarette with open doors staring at me while I took my son to take a piss. Yeah, I'm the strange one, because I have slightly different facial features and different coloured hair...