I am going to learn ruby on rails next semester. I've been fixing computers since before i could drive but always just did it on the side on craigslist to put extra cash in my pocket. The past couple of years business has been kind of slowing down. I attribute that to declines in prices for new technology. ppl r getting rid of laptops for tablets or just use their phone. Thats why i am majoring in computer science. IDK whati will do with my degree but at least i will have one.
I've been told by people in the field that you should at least learn how to program because it teaches you a new way of thinking.
You can do a lot of different stuff with a CompSci degree. I'm double majoring but damn CompSci math is pretty useless, 3 semesters of Calculus (differential equations too) Farthest I got was Geometry.
Sounds like you could be a computer systems analyst since you know the hardware side, and if you learn the software side too, you could do that.
I don't know how old you are, but there's a program called "Year Up" which has a cut off at age 24... I wish I would've found out about this program when I was 23. My co-worker is in the program, he's almost done... pretty much they teach you the interpersonal communications aspect and basic computer stuff, they also pay you a bit and give you a stipend for public transportation. My coworker got placed in an internship with Zynga in IT-support. If they like him, he'll end up being full-time.
I also just learned about Hack Reactor and Dev Bootcamp in SF, for about $12,000 ~ $18,000 you learn to code intensely over the next 3 months, 11 hour days 6 days a week minimum, but at the end you get 6 figure job offers if you complete the program, if you don't you get your money back. Hack Reactor also has a 99% employment rate since a lot of companies partner up with them, that 1% supposedly was from some people who dropped out.