Not sure how many of you actually watched this, judging by the comments here but:
It's funny how when it happens to the Jews, it's a 'travesty', a 'Holocaust', a horrible thing & we are supposed to feel sorry for them for "1000's of years of oppression"
but in this video they are saying the same things Adolph Hitler said about his own country & furthermore the same things he said about them being a plague to Europe, a parasite & nomad people who infiltrate each country with their own agenda, but this time it's not on the jews, its on the africans.
here we find them building concentration camps for Africans.
we hear their women saying how these "niggers" (quote from the video, not my view) are standing outside waiting to rape them (sounds very familiar to the Klan's women who have used that exact phrase)
we see race riots after hate filled speeches by politicians, followed by rounding up africans & beating them.
they even got people calling another Israelite a "nigger", saying she must have married a "nigger" because she is against the policy & views.
IMHO: FUCK those people. I am sick & tired of the USA backing the racist state of Israel's policies of divide & hate. These are the same people that taunt the Palestinian's in the Gaza strip, turn around, bomb them, & then cry about when the same Palestinians are sending rockets into Tel Aviv.
I got a small handful of friends of Jewish decent, but they are Americans to me, ...these Israelis are a hateful breed of their own.