Yea but with like 50% humidity, fuck that sticky shit id rather have 110 and zero % humidity.
I just moved to tucson I'm finding out that AZ has some dumb ass laws, for example I go to the other day to register for my fantasy football league that i been playin in and winning money for the last 5 years when I lived in vegas, and it tells me there's some error in my registration, so I call customer service and the rep tells me "since u are in the state of AZ u cannot play in the leagues where u pay to play and win money, only the free leagues." So I'm like why? He says "due to AZ's Indian casinos, they do not allow anyone to gamble online, even playing Xbox online for money is illegal here...
Also, when u get a drivers licsence here, that shit don't expire for like 60 years, my exp date on my dl is 2075 lmao, that's why if u drive around tucson, like 85% of the drivers have white hair and can barely see over the steering wheel goin like 20mph down broadway