ladies and gentlemen. to your left you see the caucasian male species that mentally believes he is that of hispanic descent, but is known to camouflage at the sign of danger as an african hunter.
if you pay close attention you will see he is no internet gangbanger. hear him roar his gang slogans at others and convince you that he is more solid than the rock that he sits upon. for thou is a lion of his own jungle. king of the natural habitat of the red bandana wielding ferocious carnivores. if you show signs of fear or threaten with danger he will put on thou red house slippers and red belt with thou "N" buckle and put fear into your hearts. for he is filth dee of colorado springs territory.
if you pay close attention you will see he is no internet gangbanger. hear him roar his gang slogans at others and convince you that he is more solid than the rock that he sits upon. for thou is a lion of his own jungle. king of the natural habitat of the red bandana wielding ferocious carnivores. if you show signs of fear or threaten with danger he will put on thou red house slippers and red belt with thou "N" buckle and put fear into your hearts. for he is filth dee of colorado springs territory.