You are misinformed.
Yes; you should utilize your credit. If you have a bunch of credit cards and never use them, they can see that you're not utilizing your credit and that can hurt.
However, as long as you are using your card... once you receive your bill, your balance is already reported to the bureaus; you can (and should should) pay off the full balance that was on your statement.
There is absolutely no benefit to carrying a balance from month to month and throwing away money to pay interest.
I use credit cards for most of my expenses, and I always pay them off in full every month; I have never paid a cent in interest. When I check my credit report, it still shows a monthly utilization of somewhere between $1,000-$2,000, because I use my cards regularly and wait until I receive my bill before paying it off. After receiving my bill I continue to use my card, so it's always being utilized.
Anyway, I already posted plenty of info to back this up; I have excellent credit and no debt (other than student loans) so it works for me.